

Atlas Copco compressor ampahany amin'ireo mpivarotra thermostatic thermpratic

Famaritana fohy:

Raha mitady porofom-bidy atlas copco compressor ianao sy ny valve the the the the the the the the the the the thermstat any China, ny seadweer dia ny Top Atlas Copco Air Compressor sy ny faritra Supermarket Chain any Shina, manolotra antony telo hividiananao am-pahatokiana izahay:

1. [Original] Ny faritra tany am-boalohany, miaraka amin'ny antoka marina 100%.



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Atlas Copco compressor ampahany amin'ireo mpivarotra thermostatic thermpratic

. Modely azo ampiharina: Atlas Copco Rotary compressor

. Anaran'ny vokatra: Manuals mpanoratra thermostatic valve

. Ny kalitaon'ny vokatra: ampahany am-boalohany 100%

. Laharana fizarana: 2120022370 2906907701 2205462900

. Marika: Atl CO COPCO

. Vidiny: mifampidinika

. Fotoana fandefasana: 5-15 andro fiasana

Sary vokatra

Atlas Copco Compressor Porofon'ny Valve Thermostatic (1)
Atlas Copco Compressor Portss parts thermostatic valve (2)
Atlas Copco Compressor Portss Parvestatic Valve (3)
Atlas Copco Compressor Portss Parts Thermostatic Valve (4)
Atlas Copco Compressor Portss parts thermostatic valve (5)
Atlas Copco Compressor Porofon'ny faritra thermostatic (6)

Lisitry ny fizarana fiaramanidina misimisy kokoa

6266300300 Cubicicle ax 30 230 / x 30 220 6266-3003-00
6266300400 Cubicle x15 220 x15-25 230 6266-3004-00
6266300500 Cubicle a 15-20 380 x15-25 380 6266-3005-00
6266300600 Cubicle x 25 400/3/50 6266-3006-00
6266300900 Cubicle a 15-25 220/440/3/60 6266-3009-00
6266301000 Cubicle a 30-40 220/440/3/60 6266-3010-00
6266301100 Transformer 160 Va 400v / 2 * 24 6266-3011-00
6266301400 Transformer T4 Mono 440/220 6266-3014-00
6266301600 Shunt ho an'ny thermocontact x 6266-3016-00
6266301700 Wire analog ho an'ny 550-1500m7 6266-3017-00
6266301800 Hafanana sensor 15-40 x G9 6266-3018-00
6266302000 Cubicle QRS 20 208/230/460 ul 6266-3020-00
6266302100 Cubicle QRS 25 208/230/460 ul 6266-3021-00
6266302200 Cubicle QRS 30 208/230/460 ul 6266-3022-00
6266302700 Platine br 201v-241v 6266-3027-00
6266302800 Faisceau Analogique br 241v 6266-3028-00
6266302900 Birao terminal ho an'ny môtô 62666029-00
6266303100 Switch Press 6266-3031-00
6266303200 Cubicle 150 hp 380/3 / 60air 6266-3032-00
6266303600 Cubicle 125v hp 380/3/60 Air 6266-3036-00
6266303700 Cubicle cpe 75 230/460/3/60 626666037-00
6266303800 Cubicle cpe 100 230/460/3/60 62666038-00
6266303900 Cubicle cpe 125 460/3/60 6266-3039-00
6266304000 Cubicle cpe 150 460/3/60 62666040-00
6266304500 Cubicle 150 hp 380/3 / 60air 6266-3045-00
6266305000 Cubicle CPV 40 460/3/60 CULUS 62666050-00
6266305100 Cubicle cpvs 50 460/3/60 culus 62666051-00
6266305200 Cubicle CPV 60 460/3/60 CULUS 6266-3052-00
6266305300 Cubicle CPV 75 460/3/60 CPV 62666053-00
6266305400 Cubicle CPVS100 460/3/60 CULUS 62666-3054-00
6266305500 Cubicle cpvs125 460/3/60 culus 6266-3055-00
6266305600 Cubicle CPVS150 460/3/60 CULUS 6266-3056-00
6266305900 Cubicle CPV 20 460/3/60 CULUS 626668959-00
6266306000 Wire cubicle / sov2 rlr-csb15-40 62666060-00
6266306100 Inverter nxl46 mandritra ny 20-25 hp 6266-3061-00
6266306200 Wire Cubicle / CMC Controler FS 62666-3062-00
6266306300 Wire Cubicle / CMC Controler VSD 6266-3063-00
6266306400 Conduit Braid 700mm ho an'ny CSB 40 62666-3064-00
6266306500 Analog Wire 15-40 CMC 6266-3065-00
6266306600 Bus bars rfi / switch 220 v 6266-3066-00
6266306700 Wire Cubicle / Airlogique FS FF 6256-3067-00
6266306800 Wire Cubicle / Airlogic VSD FF 6266-3068-00
6266306900 Cubicle 150 hp 440/3 / 60air 62666-3069-00
6266307100 Safidy Canopy Safidy 230v 626666071-00
6266307200 Rail KM4 ho an'ny C77 (ho an'ny mpankafy 62666072-00
6266307300 Rail Q15 8 A ho an'ny RLR 40CH 400V 626666073-00
6266307400 Rail Q15 12a RLR 40Th 220-230V 62666074-00
6266307500 Ramatoa Transformer ho an'ny Dryer Opt 6266-3075-00
6266307700 Wire RLR 200 ka hatramin'ny 240v rano g8 g8 626666077-00
6266308000 Fanerena ny fanerena 1/4 + MDR2 / 11 62666080-6

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